
GRblue Nucleic Acid Dye

GRblue Nucleic Acid Dye

GRblue nucleic acid electrophoresis dye is a novel macromolecular nucleic acid fluorescent staining reagent. It is sensitive, non mutagenic, highly safe and stable under working concentration conditions.It can replace nucleic acid dyes such as ethidium bromide, greatly improving the safety and stability of laboratory electrophoresis processes.

The GRblue nucleic acid electroph♐oresis dye can be excited by 488 nm laser, which can be observed directly with a blue light adhesive cutter or a blue light scanner (also visible under ultraviolet light). During the detection, photography, or gel-cutting/purification process, it cﷺan help to avoid ultraviolet radiation injury to personnel and DNA samples.

Due to the unique molecular structure of GRblue dye, it ensures high safety and sensitivity and no affection to the migration of DNA bands at the same time. Even with a high molecule size of DNA, good band separation can be🍷 achieved.


Product Characters:

●  Safe, non mutagenic

●  High sensitivity, low adhesiv💖e background

●  Even with a high sample siz♐e of DNA, good band separation can be achieved

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