
DNA-electrophoresis Products

GeneRay has a complete line of DNA-electrophoresis products including Nucleic Acid Dyes,  DNA Markers, Loading Buffers and Running Buffers to serve an increasingly sophisticated market that demands premium quality. We provide a series of products for observing and analyzing DNA under ultraviolet and blue light conditions with DNA Marker from 50 base pairs up to 12,000 base pairs.

GeneRay products areꦫ also highly competitive i𒆙n prices. Please inquire Bulk prices if you need large quantity.

Conventional DNA Markers

GelRed-optimized DNA Markers

GelRed-Prestained DNA Markers

GRred Nucleic Acid Dye

GRred-Plus Nucleic Acid Dye

GRblue Nucleic Acid Dye

GRgreen II Nucleic Acid Dye

DN🤡A-electrophoresis Solutions and Reagents

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